This course will run in person at Penn during Spring of 2023. We meet on Mondays and Wednesdays and Fridays at 10:15am EST.
We will use slides during lectures. You can access them in the lectures section of the course’s site. Lecture notes are also available. They are not the most polished work, but we believe most of you will find them to be of reasonably good value.
Lab Assignments
We will have 13 lab assignments during the term at a clip of one per week. You will be divided into groups of (at most) three. Each group will collaborate in writing a report for each assignment and submit it to our Canvas page. The group assignments will be posted on Ed. The labs are designed to take about 10 hours to complete. If they are taking more time than that, please consider increasing your use of teaching assistance. Follow this link to access lab assignments.
Discussion Forum
We are running a discussion forum on Ed Discussion. Please be engaged. Submit questions. Answer questions. Offer comments. Offer help.
We have 13 lab assignments during the term. Each of them is graded in a scale from 0 to 4. You get no points if you don’t turn it in. You get 1 point for a poor job, 2 points for an OK job, 3 points for a good job and 4 points for an excellent job. These points are assigned to your group based on your lab report. The idea is for all of you to get a 4 in all 13 reports and therefore accumulate 52 points total. If you get anything less than a 4 in a lab report we will point out your mistakes and we will offer you the chance to submit corrections within the week. The only way for you to get less than 52 points in your lab assignments is for you to skip some work. Please avail yourself of this opportunity.
In addition, we are going to have two midterms. Midterm 1 is to be take-home, released on March 1 and it is due on March 13 by 5 pm. Midterm 2 is going to be in-class on April 26. Each of the midterms is worth a total of 26 points.
The grand total of points that can be earned in ESE224 is therefore 104. You pass with at least 60 points, you get a C with at least 70 points, a B with at least 80, and an A with at least 90 points. Within each letter range you get a minus decoration in the first 3 points of the range (for example, you get a B- for 80, 81, or 82 points). You get a plus decoration in the last three points of the range (for example, you get a B+ for 87, 88, or 89 points). This is true except of A+ grades. You get this only for perfect scores.
Professor Alejandro Ribeiro
This class is been taught by me, Alejandro Ribeiro. I am very happy to have a captive audience to listen attentively while I talk about my chosen research area. I have been doing research on signal processing for 20 years. My group is well known for our contributions to graph signal processing, optimization, and collaborative systems. If you want to get a better sense of my research and teaching activities please visit my lab’s website which has descriptions of my research vision and provides access to the sites for the courses I teach, including this one.
Academicians are always eager to flaunt the awards they have received and I am not going to be the exception. Papers I have coauthored have received the 2014 O. Hugo Schuck best paper award and paper awards at ICASSP 2020, EUSIPCO 2019, CDC 2017, SSP Workshop 2016, SAM Workshop 2016, Asilomar SSC Conference 2015, ACC 2013, ICASSP 2006, and ICASSP 2005. I received a 2019 Outstanding Researcher Award from Intel, the 2017 Penn’s Lindback award for distinguished teaching and the 2012 S. Reid Warren, Jr. Award presented by Penn’s undergraduate student body for outstanding teaching. I am a Fulbright scholar class of 2003 and a PennFellow class of 2015.